Your Beautiful Existence

by McKay Lawless

At the sight of dawn, darkness scatters and at the delicate touch of the sun’s beams, perched dew caves 

Transfixed on earth’s rhythmic cycle, you learn the word beauty at a young age 

Haunting comparison begins, and the yearning leaves you outraged 

Beauty is a product of bias. It traps you in a cage 

Why do you engage 


Why do you obey 

When called beautiful, you challenge what they say 

You don’t challenge the beauty of the sky’s warm hues that start your day 

The world’s preeminent sculptor crafted this scene and noted it good but still felt dismay 

Until He created mankind and proclaimed it was very good, made to reflect Him in every way 

This divine creator breathed life in you and it’s in your nature to represent this artist 

You are a product of beauty with a beautiful purpose: to exist 

The beauty war is won, there’s no need to persist 

How could you resist