The Daybreak Sonnet

by Noah Thomason

The briny, brackish, tidal night retires;
Its duty done, the heavens soaked in black.
The lustrous constellations blaze as fires,
Their dark domain become their heav’nly track.
Swept up, the seashells of the stars attract
The moon, both pulled by Him who placed them well,
And now, the dayspring glow, by darkness back’d,
Is herald of the day in which we dwell.
With daybreak, Eos Rhododaktylos,
Unfurl your gentle hands, let light run free.
Call forth the sun, the sandy gold it throws,
That by it all things we may clearly see.
The sun is ris’n, yet even more assured,
The Son is ris’n, perpetual, Logos, Lord.