Melody of This Hour
by Jessica Jang
Just like the last notes of a cadence
Man is caught in growing ebbs and fast flows,
the present,
a moving melody that taunts in its
running towards harmonic resolution yet
remaining, lingering, in the time before those final notes ring sweet.
In the suspense of eternity, we are called to perpetual progress.
Chests pound and cheeks glisten
in work and song for the coming King
Con moto! Dissonant, quick
Bare feet on the pavement, running from
deep shadows of indulgence, shouts of mirth, tyranny on earth
with pants of praise, praise, praise
The hour before eternity remains in stillness, even so.
sitting, yet without idleness
praying, and not in vain
This caesura, a break in the flow, to absorb and prepare, as
Silence hums a summer song, delightfully soft,
“Come rest-
yearning for heaven can be quiet.”
And itching for the crescendo of life to end,
invisible pummeling of souls toward holy redemption …
Trust! that
each day, the horizon draws closer to the dawn
of the true Morning Star.
each moment, the growing light compels with warmth,
promising fiery glory.
So in the foretaste of goodness-
right until the imminent moment when
The curtain is torn!
The heavens and earth kiss!
The melodies of eternity lose their echo,
fading into the endless symphony of praise,
we race and wait.